
Oye mi, oye MAY!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have wonderful SPRINGTIME news! First, you must check out


Designed by the fabulous Cameron Jennings, we are very excited and hope that you will visit for news, shows, songs, updates, email lists, music, vintage record covers, and more.  Thank you, Cameron and Karl! Yahoooo!

Also, with the excitement of Spring we have a FLURRY of SHOWS to announce! First, this MONDAY, APRIL 19th,  9pm, Erin and her Cello, with sweet Aya Kato on piano, will be performing in the Small Beast Music Salon at The Delancey.  "In the intimate and elegant environment of the Delancey's main-floor back room, Small Beast will present an eclectic mix of the world's most creative performers and songwriters. The Beast aims to become the New York vortex of an ephemeral, international scene where artists and listeners alike can come together for a song, an evening, a residency, and all forms of creative experimentation." The evening will present other musicians, as well, including David Nagler, The Room, Elisa Flynn, and Paul Walfisch. We hope you will join us at the Delancey, maybe after the gig we can have a margarita on the ROOF! (Et oui, on va surement chanter en francais!)


We are also pleased to announce that we will be performing another residency at Rockwood Music Hall, every Friday Night in May at 7pm.

**May 7th ** 7pm

**May 14th** 7pm

**May 21st** 7pm  

** May 28th** 7pm !!!

 As we get closer to out! Each show will feature a rotating lineup of guest musicians, as well as NEW SONGS each week. We have been working/composing/writing/ and practicing, and can't wait to make you laugh, sing, and shake those tiny buns.

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!  And a special thanks to all the flowers in NYC that are blooming. Oye mi, oye May! hahaha.


Erin and her Cello